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What Are RHA Fillers?

The RHA collection comes with four different types of resilient hyaluronic acid fillers (HA fillers), each designed for different areas of the face and different cosmetic concerns. The main difference between these fillers is the strength of the formula and how much flexibility it has. Natural hyaluronic acid produced in the body is a sugar compound that keeps the skin hydrated and plump.  Therefore, patients can expect natural-looking results from their RHA fillers.

The four levels of RHA fillers are RHA Redensity for perioral wrinkles around the lips, RHA 2 for moderate dynamic wrinkles, RHA 3 for severe dynamic wrinkles and folds, and RHA 4 for volume restoration. Dynamic wrinkles are wrinkles that develop over time from continuous facial movements. The flexible RHA filler will fill in these wrinkles and move naturally with your face.


“I’ve never left a visit with Dana feeling overworked, I simply feel like a refreshed and well rested version of my best self. Perhaps best of all though, Dana is simply a lovely person who is obviously fully committed to her patients and is a pleasure to work with.”

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Who is a Candidate for RHA Fillers?

Most patients over the age of 22 who wish to smooth their dynamic lines and wrinkles are candidates for RHA dermal filler injections. At your consultation, Dana will discuss the RHA filler options we offer and help you determine the right one for your treatment. RHA fillers can be used to treat almost any kind of wrinkle or facial folds, including nasolabial folds, glabellar lines (frown lines), marionette lines, and lines around the nose or cheeks.

Dana can recommend other filler options for patients with an allergy to lidocaine since these dermal fillers contain this numbing agent in the formula. Patients who have other severe allergies or a history of bleeding problems might not be candidates for this treatment.

RHA Filler Treatment

RHA filler treatment is so quick that patients often receive their injections on their lunch breaks. The fillers contain lidocaine which will numb the treatment area and keep patients comfortable during treatment. The entire procedure takes less than 30 minutes and patients can immediately return to work or other daily activities.

Recovery From RHA Fillers

There is virtually no downtime or recovery needed after an RHA filler appointment. Mild discomfort, swelling, and bruising around the injection site are common but will improve on their own within a few days or less. Patients can see a gradual improvement in the appearance of severe wrinkles within a few days but the results are almost immediate.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the RHA Collection?

The RHA collection is a line of resilient hyaluronic acid fillers that are each designed for different areas of the face and different concerns. The RHA collection at Thrive Wellness and Aesthetics includes RHA Redensity, RHA 2, RHA 3, and RHA 4.

Whats the difference between fillers and neurotoxins?

Fillers and neurotoxins are more different than you might think. Fillers add volume to the face, while neurotoxins temporarily stop muscle contractions to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles. While they can both address visible signs of aging, they do so in different ways.

How do RHA Fillers differ from traditional dermal fillers?

RHA fillers have a much stronger and more flexible formula than traditional dermal fillers. Additionally, since RHA fillers contain hyaluronic acid similar to what the body produces, they can provide more natural-looking results.

How long do the results of RHA Fillers typically last?

The results of RHA fillers typically last about 15 months.

What is the procedure for receiving RHA Fillers?

During the RHA filler procedure, you'll receive injections into the appropriate treatment areas. The whole appointment will take less than 30 minutes, and you can return to your everyday activities immediately.

Are RHA Fillers suitable for all skin types?

Yes, RHA fillers are safe and effective for all skin types.

Who is a suitable candidate for RHA Fillers?

A good candidate for RHA fillers includes someone over the age of 22 who is struggling with moderate to severe dynamic facial wrinkles and/or volume loss. Our nurse practitioner, Dana Protomastro, will examine your areas of concern and then decide on the best treatment for you.

What areas can RHA Fillers treat?

RHA fillers can treat a variety of concerns, including wrinkles around the lips, moderate dynamic wrinkles on the face, severe dynamic facial wrinkles and folds, and volume loss around the face. A different RHA filler will be used based on what your concerns are.

How Long Will Results Last After RHA Filler Treatment?

RHA fillers have been clinically proven to last up to 15 months, but results may vary for each patient. As the effects wear off, patients can return for additional injections to maintain their rejuvenated appearance.

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The RHA filler collection is made with innovative technology and careful consideration to create products for almost every type of wrinkle. Schedule your consultation for RHA fillers to learn more about how you can benefit and determine whether you are a candidate.