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What is HRT?

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a wellness treatment for aging men and women affected by decreasing hormonal levels. Fluctuating hormones are a natural part of aging, but they can affect some people more significantly than others. Pellet therapy is one type of HRT that makes the aging transition a little easier and treats menopausal symptoms.

Pellet therapy utilizes a customized dose of bio-identical hormones that are released directly into the bloodstream through a small pellet. Direct dosage through the bloodstream allows for more efficient results than other HRT options like pills, patches, creams, and shots cannot provide.

Pellet hormone therapy is safe because the hormones are recognized by the body as identical to naturally existing hormones. The bioidentical hormones will be naturally integrated into the body with little chance of adverse side effects, so patients can quickly start to feel like themselves again!

Pellet therapy is safe because the hormones are recognized by the body as identical to naturally existing hormones. The bioidentical hormones will be naturally integrated into the body with little chance of adverse side effects so that patients can quickly start to feel like themselves again!


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Who is a Candidate for HRT

Menopausal women, men with low T (low testosterone), and any aging individual affected by hormone fluctuations may be candidates for systemic hormone therapy. Systemic estrogen therapy is perfect for those looking to treat menopausal symptoms and is often referred to as menopausal hormone therapy. Testosterone pellets are especially beneficial for aging men impacted by weight gain and loss of muscle mass from low T.

HRT Treatment

HRT starts with a simple blood test to check hormonal levels and determine a customized blend for each patient. Pellets are made from a blend of estrogen (the “female hormone”), testosterone (the “male hormone”), and/or progesterone. Once the customized pellets have been made, patients will return for the HRT procedure. First, a local anesthetic will be injected into the area where the pellet is to be inserted. This is often on the thigh or hip. A tiny incision is made to insert the pellet just under the skin, where it will dissolve naturally, leaving no residue.

Recovery from HRT

There is minimal downtime or recovery after hormone pellet therapy. Mild redness, bruising, and swelling around the incision are normal but will improve within one week. Discomfort should only last a few days and can be alleviated with over-the-counter pain medication. For quick recovery, patients should keep the incision clean and dry with a gauze dressing and antibiotic steri-strips. Strenuous activity should be avoided for about three days for women and 7 days for men, but after this time, all activities can be resumed.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does Hormone Replacement Therapy vary between men and women?

The big difference with hormone replacement therapy for men versus women is the hormones used. Hormone replacement therapy for men focuses primarily on testosterone levels, while for women, we primarily focus on estrogen and progesterone.

What are the long-term effects of Hormore Replacement Therapy?

Hormone replacement therapy can address a number of concerns, including symptoms of menopause like hot flashes and night sweats. It can also improve your mood and sleep quality and reduce your risk of diabetes and osteoporosis.

What are the primary hormones used in Hormone Replacement Therapy?

The primary hormones we use at Thrive Wellness and Aesthetics in our Hormone Replacement Therapy include estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

How does Hormone Replacement Therapy impact sexual libido in both men and women?

A hormonal imbalance can significantly decrease sexual libido in men and women, but with hormone replacement therapy, we can improve sexual libido in both men and women. HRT can make sex more enjoyable and increase your interest in sex.

Can Hormone Replacement Therapy alleviate symptoms of menopause?

Absolutely! Hormone replacement therapy has been shown to help with the symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, sleep problems, changes in mood, and weight gain.

How Long Do Results Last After HRT?

The bio-identical hormones will dissolve each day for 3-5 months, allowing for gradual improvements in hormone-related medical concerns. For women, this may include improvement in hot flashes, mood, libido, vaginal dryness, and other menopause symptoms. Men and women can expect more energy, improved memory and concentration, less weight gain, and a lower risk of age-related illnesses.

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Hormone pellet therapy has quickly gained popularity as a scientifically advanced treatment for overall health and wellness. If you feel negatively impacted by fluctuating hormone levels, schedule a consultation today at Thrive Wellness and Aesthetics.

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